About Pinnacle Psychiatry

At Pinnacle Psychiatry, we comprehend the significance of achieving the ideal balance and harmony in every individual’s life. Our objective is to provide our patients with the tranquility and serenity that their souls yearn for. Within our facility, we cater to the expectations, goals, and overall happiness of each patient.

To meet these needs, we have developed a comprehensive treatment philosophy that includes:

Conducting a thorough psychiatric evaluation to gain profound insights into the underlying issues contributing to behavioral health symptoms. Identifying target symptoms that require reduction to enhance the quality of life. Implementing a personalized treatment protocol. Engaging patients in interactive and educational sessions to empower them in making informed choices.

When delivering evidence-based treatment and interventions to individuals with behavioral health needs, we strive to eliminate the stigma associated with mental illnesses or substance use disorders. At Pinnacle Psychiatry, we want individuals seeking help to feel empowered and supported throughout their journey.

Email: office@pinnacle-psychiatry.com

Phone/Text: 940-629-7201

Fax: 940-222-8589

Clinic hours: Monday-Friday: 8 am - 8 pm

Saturday: 9 am - 4 pm.

Our Locations

1536 Joy drive Carrollton Texas 75007

612 Amenduni lane, Anna Texas 75409

14275 Midway Road #200 Addison Texas 75001

5300 Town and Country Blvd Suit # 240 Frisco, Texas 75034

15921 birch st Overland Park KS 66085

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